citry girl home

Aunt Sheila
Aunt Sheila

As much as I appreciate the conveniences and variety of offerings that come with living in the city, I equally enjoy the charm and simple pleasures of the country life.  Combine the two, and I’m in heaven!

Citry Girl is a resource for bringing us like-minded city and country gals together.  A platform designed for sharing our combo city/country thoughts and ideas around endless subject matter;  home decor, wardrobe, food, favorite places and spaces, entertaining, people, relationships, pets, reading, crafts/diy… in no particular order.  Just BEING!

Citry Girl’s mission is to share resources and be a support system for bridging the gap between our blended city and country lifestyle and taste(s).

I AM a citry girl.  You probably already know if you are too, but take the “are you a citry girl?” quiz (for fun and) to find out!